Essence of Nature's essential oils and aromatherapy products are pure, therapeutic, and of superior, professional quality.
At Essence of Nature, our goal is to improve your well-being with the power of nature. All of our aromatherapy products are hand-made with essential oils derived from plants and flowers, wherever in the world they thrive most. They are free from chemicals and pesticides, ethically produced, and cruelty free.
Plants tend to flourish in their natural country of origin. Even factors such as the altitude at which a plant is grown can impact quality, which is why all of the essential oils used by Essence of Nature are sourced from different countries.
Because these plants are grown in the countries where they flourish, they are not sprayed with any chemicals or pesticides since the plant already has a natural resistance to the native pests. This has a substantial positive impact on the properties of the oils when resourced properly.
Most aromatherapy importers conduct only basic quality tests that do not prove the authenticity of an essential oil’s purity. However, all Essence of Nature oils are tested further to ensure high quality standards.
Since the quality of Essence of Nature’s oils are superior to most, you only need to use a few drops to experience the benefits of our products. That's why a bottle of Essence of Nature’s oil will last longer than competitor brands.

Quality is so important when it comes to essential oils and aromatherapy.
Essence of Nature essential oils are pure, therapeutic grade with no chemicals or preservatives, double tested for the highest quality control. Essence of Nature’s oils are tested and manufactured in the same facilities that produce organics so you always get top quality. They are internationally sourced and meet the highest quality standards as determined by experienced team of Aromatherapists. Certificates of Analysis & MSDS sheets available upon request.
Our essential oil blends are made in single batches rather than being produced in mass quantities. They are also created by a certified Aromatherapist, which is important because there is a specific way to blend oils and when done properly it makes the “synergy” of the oils more unique and efficient in delivering the intention of what the blend is meant to achieve.

Essence of Nature's essential oils are of the highest quality and therapeutic-grade, so they are quite potent! When using, it is important to use as directed on the label.
For topical application, ALWAYS dilute with a carrier oil (ex. coconut oil, grapseed oil, jojoba oil) first when applying to the skin (ex. 5 drops of essential oils to 15 ml of carrier). Learn more below.
When using essential oils for inhalation, place 2-3 drops on a tissue or cotton ball, or an aromatherapy inhaler, necklace/bracelet or and use when needed (do not directly inhale an oil for more than 15 minutes a day and only use the oil for the specific purpose you are using it for). For diffusing add the directed amount of pure essential oil into a cool mist diffuser (using heat to diffuse changes the properties of the oil). Learn more below.
Wild crafted and sustainably sourced to support communities of origin.
Double tested for highest quality control.
Certificate of analysis and MSDS sheets available upon request.
Hand-blended essential oils in Kelowna, British Columbia.​
All of our oils surpass the normal aromatherapy standards, guaranteed.

"It doesn't get much greener than essential oils: When used correctly, they are among Mother Nature's most potent remedies."
- Amy Leigh Mercree
When using oils for Children always use less and dilute more. For example (per 15ml of a carrier oil) 3-4 drops for 2-6 years or 5-6 drops for ages 6-12. Mix together and apply to skin.
Some essential oils safe for children:
2 years: Lavender and Chamomile
3 - 5 years: All the above, Tea tree & Eucalyptus (radiata).
5 - 12 years: All the above, Peppermint (age 7 and up), Geranium & Rosemary.
Certain Essential Oils should not be used if pregnant, breastfeeding and/or eplipetic. Please contact a medical professional BEFORE USING and/or If you are uncertain with using these products in general, with a current medical condition, on medication, or if using on children or babies. Please read label before use. Keep out of reach from children and pets. Some of Essence of Nature’s products should not be used with an auto-immune disorder please contact a medical professional. If you have any questions please email essenceofnature1@gmail.com before use.
Essence of Nature's Oils are for EXTERNAL USE only, avoid eyes and mucous membranes.
Essence of Nature's products are not to treat or replace ANY medical condition. And are not to substitute for professional medical care or advice.
Again always use essential oils diluted when applying to the skin or in the bath
Store oils in a cool dry place in dark glass bottles and away from children.
Be aware of photosensitive citrus oils. Do not apply externally before going out into the sun.
If you have sensitive skin, do a patch test first by mixing oils with a non-sensitive carrier oil and apply to a small area of the skin. Wait 24 hours for a reaction.
If pregnant, high/low blood pressure, allergy prone, epilepsy or asthma, please e-mail, we will address your concerns and advise you on the proper oils.
Do Not Ingest Essential Oils Orally unless advised by a medical practitioner. Essential oils are potent and can have some adverse effects if taken orally.
When essential oils enter the nose through inhalation it registers in our brain. This signals the olfactory nerve & the “absorption” of essential oil constituents into the brain, especially the emotional center of the brain. When this happens, a chemical interaction occurs that initiates physical and mental changes. When inhalation is “registered” scent travels faster to the brain than either sight or sound! Our bodies can become relaxed/sedated, or stimulated, depending on the essential oil that is used. Some benefits may include; pain relief, improvement of wound healing, decreased stress levels, as well as decreased inflammation and spasms.
Essential oils support and balance many systems – Circulatory, Digestive, Respiratory, Nervous, Endocrine and Reproductive – and some essential oils will affect more than just one system within the body. However, these emotional reactions to a smell can be very individual and can depend on factors such as culture, age and experience. An association with a particular smell may bring up a feeling or memory. Our sense of smell has a great influence on the function of the central nervous system, therefore can be useful in certain therapies.
When inhalation is used, the aroma passes through the brain, into the lungs, then through the bloodstream, liver and out via the kidneys. Therefore, when using essential oils (using any method) should be used properly and as directed. They should not be over used.
A unique thing about essential oils is that they pass right through the epidermal barrier (which is the first layer of the skin), entering the bloodstream due to their small molecular structure and weight –effecting our entire body and mental outlook! “Essential oils can bring 21% of an oxygen increase within twenty minutes of application” (Stated in the 4th Edition of The Essential Oil Desk). This allows cells to function normally and release chemical toxins in an oxygen rich environment. This oxygenated environment can lead to an increase of antibodies and endorphins. Essential oils can also carry ozone and negative ions into the cell, which inhibit bacterial growth.
Unlike many chemicals or drugs, essential oils do not accumulate and are quickly excreted from the body. When essential oils are locally applied to the skin they travel through the muscle, bloodstream, liver then via the kidneys. Also, there will be some inhalation when topical application is used. Some reasons for topical application would be aging skin, skin healing (wounds) and pain (eg. nerve pain).
Essential oils are highly concentrated and therefore needed to be diluted, with a carrier oil before applying the skin.
What is a Carrier Oil?
A Carrier Oil are base oils (also known as fatty oils as they are derived from the fatty portions of the plant seed or nut); used to dilute essential oils before they are applied to the skin. They are so named because they safely carry the essential oil into the skin. When a carrier oil is mixed properly with an essential oil a synergy is formed, providing some amazing benefits!
When using essential oils (using any method) should be used properly and as directed. They should not be over used.
Essence of Nature is not a MLM company, giving you therapeutic oils at affordable prices.
Certificates of analysis available.
Essence of Nature sources oils from countries of origin. For example, our top grade Lavender comes from high altitudes in Belgium and France.
All Essential oils are pure, therapeutic grade, no chemicals or preservatives, internationally sourced, and meet the highest quality standards.
Although many of our oils are safe to ingest, this goes against every aromatherapy association’s code of conduct. Rather we let clients know that essential oils when applied to the skin are absorbed into the blood stream within 30 seconds so there is no need to ingest them orally. This a safer method of application and more ethical when recommending oils, especially if you are not a registered clinical aromatherapist.
Essential oils are organic compounds and may react to light, temperature, air and time. They need to be stored in a dark, cool place and kept tightly capped at all times.
Various factors that can affect the quality and price of the oil including the rarity of the plant, country and conditions that the plant was grown, quality standards of the distiller, and how much oil is produced by the plant.
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN plays a key role in an oil’s quality. While it is possible to grow plants in several different countries, the country of origin plays a significant role in the oil grade. The reason why different countries produce different quality plant products is that the soil and climate conditions are more suitable to some plants than others in different parts of the world. Plants tend to flourish in their natural country of origin, and even the altitude at which a plant is grown can have a substantial impact on the properties of its oil.
USE OF PESTICIDES AND HERBICIDES varies among countries.
As well, currently there is no reliable certification for international organic quality. It is best to use oils made from plants grown on farms in a country where the plant flourishes because they will have a certain degree of natural resistance to the native pests and will not require pesticides to survive. -
TIME OF HARVEST affects the percentage and proportions of various chemical constituents in the plant and therefore the quality of the oil will differ depending on when the plant is harvested. Distillation should occur immediately after harvest and if possible right in the field to ensure the highest quality oils.
AGE OF OIL can affect the quality. Most oils are not affected by the passage of time; however, citrus oils suffer from a decrease in quality over time and sould always be as fresh as possible.
TYPE OF DISTILLATION also influences the oil’s quality. A true “essential oil” by definition should be steam distilled, except citrus oils should be expressed and some oils CO2 extracted. Where oils are chemically extracted, solvent residues will be present in the oil.
TEMPERATURE AT WHICH STEAM DISTILLATION IS CARRIED OUT plays an important role in determining the quality. If the steam distillation is done at too high of a temperature, some of the valuable chemical constituents will literally be “burned out” of the oil (thus the therapeutic qualities will be missing and your customers/clients will not feel their healing properties = no repeat sales). High heat distillation is done to yield more oil in a shorter time span. This process produces a lower quality oil that can be sold at a lower price. Beware of below market value aromatherapy products or when all essential oils are the same price (e.g. rose versus orange oil), which are clear indicators of commercial grade quality.
METHOD OF STORAGE MATTERS. All quality oils should be bottled in dark glass bottles and stored in a cool dry place with minimal contact with oxygen.
Have questions about Essence of Nature aromatherapy and essential oils? Please feel free to contact us, or learn more about each of our products in our online shop.
In Kelowna, British Columbia? Receive free delivery for Kelowna essential oils!